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​The new Privacy Act 2020 commences on 1 December 2020.

The key changes to the new Privacy Act 2020 are: Notifiable privacy breaches – if you have a privacy breach that has caused serious harm to someone (or is likely to do so) it must be notified to the Privacy Commissioner ASAP via NotifyUs.  You should also notify affec...
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Audit timing - updated 24 April

The DIA has announced  that Phase 2 reporting entities who not able to complete their first audit due to being affected by COVID-19, will not have adverse compliance action taken against them. RE's should be able to explain how COVID-19 affected their ability to co...
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Audit timing

From 1 July 2018, most lawyers are captured under the AML/CFT Act  and therefore have several AML/CFT requirements.  These requirements include: Appointing a compliance officer;Conducting a Risk Assessment;Developing an AML/CFT Programme based on the Risk Assessmen...
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​Guidance on impact of COVID-19 Alert Levels on AML/CFT verification

On 26 March 2020, AML/CFT Supervisors (FMA, RBNZ and DIA) published a Guidance on complying with AML/CFT verification requirements during COVID-19 Alert Levels  At COVID-19 Level 4, only those reporting entities providing essential services are able to continue to opera...
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